We serviced a
GE Dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Job Details:
Cleaned out drain pump tested unit drains normal now
We serviced a
samsung Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
when dryer was running it was squeaking so a maintenance kit was installed and the dryer was cleaned out. customer had a front load washer so the filter was cleaned along with the gasket.
We serviced a
Kenmore Washer
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
Needs a new gear case the bearing is going bad and is very loud. It?s also going to need shock absorbers they?re worn out basket is very loose. She?s going to look at new washers his one is going to be around $600 to fix.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Wall oven
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Customer had taken door off to clean and the hinges got bent and it won?t go back on. Oven is 16 years old and customer decided to buy a new me and decline repair. If they happen to change their mind the part numbers are in notes and an estimate was emailed to customer.
We serviced a
Lg Washer
Near Palmyra, NY 14522
Job Details:
I couldn?t find anything wrong with the washer I ran spin cycle and diagnostic mode it seems fine. It maybe has an intermittent issue. I couldn?t install the microwave there was no outlet for it just bare wires she needs an electrician before the microwave can be installed.
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14623
Job Details:
Drain filter clogged with debri, cleared drain filter ran and tested all and all is draining good.
We serviced a
Kenmore dryer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Jose D
Job Details:
The door switch is damaged and will need to be replaced. I repalced the door switch ran and tested, the dryer now turns on and is working properly.
We serviced a
GE Dryer
Near North Chili, NY 14514
Job Details:
Dryer belt broken, checked all components and all are checking good, replaced belt ran and tested all is working good.
We serviced a
LG Washer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
washer was empty of water when i arrived. i put it on rinse and spin and it drained the water and worked without issues. the husband called the wife and she said that when she used it that the water just kept filling and didn?t drain so i put a load of wash in and it went thru the entire cycles without any issues.
pump was ordered for this job and i told customers that i would hold onto pump for a bit incase there are any further issues.
We serviced a
LG Dishwasher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose D
Job Details:
Not seeing any water leaks on site. Advised the customer to call back if the issue happens again.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Needs new harness wire broke in wire loom to pump
Approx 200.00 plus tax and shipping would be due on return if repaired.
May have warranty left recommend customer contact factory service first - no repair at this time
We serviced a
whirlpool refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
FF section is at 80? and FZ section is at 76?. I removed Evap cover and there is no frost pattern so customer need a new fridge. (Picture has been attached)
We serviced a
Whirlpool refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Needs a new heater the freezer section is all frozen up. Heater tests bad in defrost mode. Also thermostat has no signal in freezer section. The ice maker is showing an error code of cannot find home position. Going to be $800 to replace parts on a close to 10yr old fridge.
We serviced a
ge washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Jose D
Job Details:
I repalced the inverter board, ran and tested, the washer completed a full rinse and spin cycle. I replaced both water line.
We serviced a
Samsung Washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Jose D
Job Details:
I cleaned underneath the agitator, along with the bottoms of the tub. Advised to run the self clean cycle, with a cleaning tablet to help clean the tub even more, and repeat as needed.
We serviced a
Whirlpool oven
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Lower bake does not work I tested the element and it has no continuity so a new element is needed.
12/24 installed new element and oven preheated without any issues.
We serviced a
GE Washer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose D
Job Details:
The inner tub is warped, new shocks won't fix the issue. The customer will look to get a new washer.
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Jose R
Job Details:
Cx will need starter if wanting wanting to go along with the repair
We serviced a
Ge Multiple
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Unit 8C: installed blower wheel ran and tested all is working good.
Unit 9a: installed blower wheel ran and tested all is working good.
Unit 8D: Replaced motor ran and tested all is working and running good.
Unit 2A will need the following part.
Unit 2C: infinite switch bad and will have to be replaced.
Unit 5B will need wiring harness, Harness has a dead short within causing unit to trip breaker.
We serviced a
whirlpool refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
installed new light module and shelves and everything is working without issues.
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Job Details:
Dishwasher will turn on and fill but then won?t run. I put in diagnostic mode and there is a F4E3 error code which is the motor so a new sump assy is needed.
Customer decided to get a new appliance.
If they change their mind part number is in notes
We serviced a
kitchen aid dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Job Details:
Sump motor leaking along with diverter all will need to be replaced.
12-24-24:Installed sump assembly ran and tested all for leaks and all is leak free and running good.
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Refrigerator
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
I replaced the ice maker the motor was not rotating at all when in test mode. I ran a quick test and the motor is working now. It?s going to tsken24+ hours for cubes.
We serviced a
Ge Refrigertaor
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
PFS22MBWAWW GE French door fridge. I have power to the main board but none going to the user interface or the compressor. It?s going to be $655 to repair. WR55X10942C Main board. Unit is about 17 yrs old.
We serviced a
Samsung Dryer
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details:
Cleaned the dryer and replaced the burned up heater element. I cleaned the vent and hose. She?s complained of long dry times she?s going to need the facilities to clean the vent the rest of the way.
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Dishwasher
Near Webster, NY 14580
Jose D
Job Details:
Customer stated the dishwasher made everything dirtier. I cleaned all internal dishwasher components, and advised to use a maintenance cleaning tablet for the dishwasher. Not hearing any weird sounds on site, everything is working properly.
We serviced a
Kenmore WAsher
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Jose D
Job Details:
The coupler, the lid switch, and the wash doggs are damaged and will need to be replaced. I replaced all 3 parts, ran and tested, the washer is now working properly. The dryer vent is ok, I would recommend to have it cleaned next year.
We serviced a
Kitchen aid dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details:
customer said dishwasher was leaking from front left door. i. checked the spray sram to look for clogs in the holes and they seemed clear. i took bottom off and there was nothing wet or signs of a leak from under and there weee no error codes when in service mode. i ran dishwasher for about 25min and there was no leak. talked to customer about placement of dishes and making sure nothing is breaking the door seal.
We serviced a
Ge oven
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Job Details:
Terminal block L1 wire burnt and melted will need the Terminal block and power cord.
12-23-24: Replaced power cord and terminal block ran and tested all components and all are heating and running normal.
We serviced a
Samsung Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14620
Jose D
Job Details:
The display board is in unresponsive and will not change to different settings. Also getting over clicking from the main board. I would recommend to come back with both the main board, and the user interface board.
We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
I cleaned the drain out the back of the fridge section it was iced up and there was a piece of broken styrofoam blocking the hole. I cleaned the dryer vent.
We serviced a
Bosch dishwasher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
customer said dishwasher would not start at all but i was able to get it going but after a few min it would just start flash and stop running but no error code, when u open it and hit start again then it would start again and shut off a few min later. i was able to get in service mode and there were no error codes there.
the hinges seem bent so customer was quoted hinges, levers and door lock. he is going to talk to his wife and if they decide to fix they will call us back.
We serviced a
amana oven
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Bake igniter bad replaced ran and tested all and all is working and lighting good. Bottom drawer RS sliders is bent and will need to be replaced to correct sliding issue.
We serviced a
Samsung Dryer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Wall oven needs a heat probe. I replaced the probe and no too hot error. The dishwasher is needing a new main washer motor it has 3c error code $435 to fix
We serviced a
Kenmore Fridge
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
part installed
We serviced a
maytag dryer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Removed small rock from between front drum glide and seal - unit now checks ok and unable to locate any other issues
We serviced a
speedqueen dryer
Near West Henrietta, NY 14586
Job Details:
Bird stuck in blower removed all is spinning good, unit had flash over fire inside of unit and will need a full wiring harness. Adviced customer to put bird cage over outside vent and not to use dryer till harness is replaced.
12-23-2: Replaced wire harness complete ran and tested all and all is running good.
We serviced a
frigidaire washer
Near Palmyra, NY 14522
Job Details:
Needs a new motor and belt going to be $625 to repair on an old Frigidaire washer. Not going to fix at this time
We serviced a
LG refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
FZ is about 29? FF is 49?. Checked voltage of FZ fan at board and it?s getting 11.9 VDC and was unable to get fan on. Ice maker is working without issues.
FZ Evap fan is needed. Customer is going tot let us know if they want to fix it. Part number is in notes and estimate has been emailed to customer.
We serviced a
samsung dryer
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
I replaced the broken belt. It looks like it got overloaded and it spun the belt and snapped it. All the rollers look good an spin good. The pulley is nice and free spinning. The dryer runs good.
We serviced a
GE refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
customer stated that randomly the FZ get super warm and when he feels the air being blown out it?s super hot and things have melted. the defrost board is bad along with the defrost bi metal so new ones are needed. due to cost of repair and age of fridge (12 years) customer is going to get a new one.
We serviced a
Maytag Dryer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Checked unit and unable to find anything loose or out of position.
By customer video best guess is blower may be starting to go bad as unit sounds like it?s off balance
Estimate is approx 180.00 plus tax and shipping due on return if ordered
We serviced a
Bosch Dishwasher
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
Needs new circ pump/ motor.
Estimate approx 470-480.00 plus tax due on return if repaired
No repair at this time
We serviced a
roper washer
Near Churchville, NY 14428
Job Details:
Gearcase bad and machine will need to be replaced. Machine will need to be replaced.
We serviced a
GE Oven
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
I replaced the bake igniter. It was taking a long time to get hot and to ignite the flame. Replaced and tested good.
We serviced a
Maytag Refrigerator
Near Brighton, NY 14620
Job Details:
Unit needs main PCB and UI Kit customer will replace unit.
We serviced a
GE Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Jose D
Job Details:
I replaced the drain pump, ran and tested, the washer now drains properly.
We serviced a
Ge washer
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose D
Job Details:
The washer water lines were switched. I corrected the issue, then ran and tested the washing machine. The washer is no longer giving the H20 error code. Went through a full quick wash.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose D
Job Details:
Not finding any heat related issues on site. Tested the dryer with the load that was already inside of it, and noticed when I disconnected the back vent while it was running, that the exhaust air was spuddering. It seems that the thin material from the hair dresser capes are being sucks in from the lint trap housing inside the dryer. and preventing the dryer from properly exhausting the air. When running the dryer when it's empty, the air sounds normal.
We serviced a
GE Oven
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details:
Appears unit needs new electronics
Estimate approx 360.00 plus tax would be due on return- no repair at this time
We serviced a
LG Dryer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
The dryer vent flaps weren?t opening at all. I tried cleaned the vent but it all fell apart. I reassembled the vent and removed some pieces that weren?t necessary. I also cut a five foot section of flex hose that was all wadded up and twisted behind the dryer. Ran and tested there?s nice air flow coming out of the vent.
We serviced a
ge refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details:
Found damper frozen shut - usually caused by a door ajar/ not fully sealed issue.
Removed damper ice build up and unit passes all diag tests in service mode and no error codes present- unit is now cooling
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
customers mullion broke so one is being ordered and she is waiting on the door seals because they are in good condition.
We serviced a
Lg dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14604
Job Details:
Dryer idler wheel bad and allowing stretched out belt to come off, replaced idler as a kit ran and tested all and all is working good.
We serviced a
Jenn air Oven
Near Irondequoit, NY 14617
Job Details:
Will recommend thermostat parts not available
We serviced a
Ge refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Water valve at the door, and flow sensor I?m not sure which one has failed I don?t see any tests for the flow sensor so I ordered everything for the water system on the fridge. Jk is coming to help me
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Henrietta, NY 14467
Job Details:
Inlet valve cracked on cold water side and will need inlet valve.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Oven
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Job Details:
Bake igniter bad, Replaced ran and tested all and all is heating and running good.
We serviced a
ge oven
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Customer would think about the repair for the stove cleaned out filter for washer
We serviced a
Frigidaire Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Job Details:
Replace dryer belt tested unit spinning normal
We serviced a
Kenmore Washer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Customer had gotten washer to work and water drain out but still wanted it checked out. I looked at wire harness and tub and watching looks good. Ran a med load to make sure it went through all the cycles and it did without issues.
We serviced a
Lg refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Jose R
Job Details:
Replaced fan motor now unit is opera with in specs complete
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Fuse blown again checked all connectors and wires all are good, checked voltage to timer and going to motor on all cycles all is correct, checked lid switch all is good, changed fuse all is running good
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Tub is rusted out casing small amount of leaks
We serviced a
Maytag dishwaser
Near Irondequoit, NY 14609
Jose R
Job Details:
Cx needs belt replaced on dishwasher also cleaned out the drain hole and drain hose to the freezer due to water build up on the bottom of the cavity unit is now operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
LG Oven
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Oven would throw code when trying to heat up. I tested igniter for Amps and it moved very slow and hot u0to 3.1 AMP with LG they need to be at leasypt over 3.3. A new igniter was installed and I tested and it moved very quickly to 3.6 and oven pre heated to 350? without any issues.
We serviced a
GE Washer
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details:
Replaced lock and unit is now fully operational
Part discounted - no payment present sent email invoice
We serviced a
whirlpool Microwave
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Originally I had no power to the magnetron or the transformer so I order those parts. It didn?t end up needing them. I had to have JK come and help me hold the main cover to the oven and the computer boards up out of the way. That?s when a broken bare wire was found. The wire was repaired, and the fuse was replaced. Also replaced the blown light bulb. Ran and tested the unit it is working great now. The turntable is working as well it didn?t need a new motor.
We serviced a
Kenmore WAsher
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Job Details:
Cleaned out filter ran unit multiple times drains normal now in the future If pump gives out we have to get that marble counter removed this would be two man job to remove that counter. Unless customer takes it down with Tec
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Jose R
Job Details:
Cx needs valve replaced and injection hose
We serviced a
frigidaire oven
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Let unit preheat and cycle - oven temp seemed a little low so preformed factory calibration of +10* and now get much closer set temperature. If seems like temp gets off again would recommend electronic oven control as calibration is only a one time setting
We serviced a
Whirlpool Range
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Customer got a fault detected message when using oven then it completely burned her food she was cooking. I put in diagnostic and there was a F6E1 error which is an oven temp cook. I tested temp sensor and elements and those were good so a new board is needed. Customer declined repair and is going to get a new appliance
We serviced a
Ge oven
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Needs a new bake element and a connector. I replaced the bake element and it?s working great. Let run for about 20-25 min before baking to burn off the fluid they put on the bake element. It may be a little stinky and some smoke too.
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details:
Bake igniter bad replaced ran and tested all and all is running good.
We serviced a
Ge oven
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Appears electronics are acting up.
Parts are very expensive estimate is approximately 1000.00-1200.00 plus tax due on return - no repair at this time
We serviced a
Whirlpool Maytag Range
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Replaced temp control and verified proper oven temperature
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Williamson, NY 14589
Job Details:
Dryer repair estimate is approx 360.00 plus tax due on return
Washer repair estimate is approx 495.00 plus tax due on return.
No repair at this time
We serviced a
GE Dishwasher
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details:
I ran and cancled the load a few times and it drained each time. The first time it didn?t drain well so I ran the garbage disposal and that seemed to make it drain better. There may have been some stuff blocking the drain hole for the dishwasher. I did the software update as well.
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Replaced led board and control board now all the lights are on and display is being responsive put unit on extended defrost to allow the frost to melt and for the unit can cool properly complete
We serviced a
Ge stove
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Needs new large burner. I replaced the large burner on the right side. The heat probe was burned up. I ran and tested the cook top it?s working perfectly now.
We serviced a
Samsung Range
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Job Details:
range was working normal when i got there but when customers tried it she made it happen but then i realized she still had the knob on the light part so one i moved it off it stopped. it appears that nothing is wrong with range.
Let customer know to watch the position of the knobs when cooking in future
We serviced a
frigidaire refrigerator
Near Rush, NY 14543
Job Details:
Refrigerator evap fan motor bad and will need to be replaced to correct issue.
12-20-24: Replaced evap fan all is blowing and running good.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Washer water valves resistance is higher than it should be and due to the washer working intermittently a board is also needed. 5e board is Znla Nut customer decided to get a new appliance anyways.
We serviced a
GE Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14622
Job Details:
Push the door switch hinge in causing noise. Unit is unlocked now. Explain to customer to avoid using self clean.
We serviced a
Ge dishwasher
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Installed new customer supplied dishwasher - had to replaced supply line as old was too short
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near North Chili, NY 14514
Job Details:
Icemaker thermostat broken off twist tray reattached temporarily,icemaker will need to be replaced. Replaced icemaker ran full test all filled and operated good adviced customer to allow 24 hours for ice.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose R
Job Details:
Was not able to replicate issue on site but I did educate customer on making sure they are not over loading the unit also did a vent clean on the dryer complete
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Stove
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose R
Job Details:
Cx had a bad light inside the fridge would need to get a five pack and install the lights also had to educate Cx that all the electode spark when trying to ignite a burner
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Dishwasher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose R
Job Details:
Replaced display now unit is turning on and operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Irondequoit, NY 14617
Job Details:
Replace thermo fuse tested unit heating normal now
We serviced a
kenmore washer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Customer stated that washer was making a squeaky sound when agitating but it has not done it in a few days. While I installed a maintenance kit and cleaned the dryer out I ran a load of wash and I did not hear any squeaking sounds. Told customer that if it starts to happen again to record it.
Short run vent cleaning was done.
We serviced a
Bosch Washer
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
Washer seems to be working on todays visit
Dishwasher let unit run and unable to duplicate leak , leveled unit and found broken wire harness
Estimate to replace harness would be approx 235-255.00 plus tax and Shipping due if applicable on return
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Left door seems to have a difficult time closing due to mullion which seems very stiff and makes a clicking sound when you move it by hand. The doors issues are intermittent and sometimes you do need to put a little force on the door to close it but only when the right door is already closed. When the right door is open and you close the left door first the mullion has no issues.
Customer is still under warranty and had Appliance Tech out here to look at it and they said nothing was wrong with it but customer wanted a second opinion.
We serviced a
Ge oven
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details:
I couldn?t find anything wrong with the oven.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14606
Job Details:
Debri stuck in drain hose and Ptrap removed all debri ran and tested all is draining normal, cleaned filter all operations are running good.
We serviced a
Samsung Stove
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details:
WPW10179146 & WPW10300022for ice maker repair
We serviced a
maytag dryer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Jose R
Job Details:
Customer unit was making loud noise when in operation went ahead and replaced maintenance kit now u it is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Ge refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Job Details:
FF Evap fan bad and will need to be replaced. Replaced evap fan ran and tested all and all is running and cooling good. Adviced customer unit needs to get lifted and pulled out so can vacuum condenser coils and fan.
We serviced a
kenmore dryer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
dryer belt broke so a maintenance kit was installed. i also took apart entire dryer and cleaned it out blower house and wheel included.
short run vent cleaning was also done.
We serviced a
Maytag Dryer
Near Churchville, NY 14428
Job Details:
Belt broken due to age, replaced ran and tested all is working good.