We serviced a
Maytag Dryer
Near East Rochester, NY 14445
Job Details:
Repalce belt tested unit working normal now
We serviced a
KEnmore Refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Replaced main PCB started unit allowed to run checked tems at FF vent and after 15 minutes temperature at vent is down to 37?
All is running and cooling good adviced customer to allow 24 hours of run time before restocking.
We serviced a
amana refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Job Details:
Jazz board bad will not come out of defrost mode, put in FD replaced jazz board tested all from board and all is working good.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Replaced drive shaft and seal kit - unit tests ok
Recommend letting seal cure for 4-6 hours before use
We serviced a
Maytag washer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Machine will not advance through cycles, service pointer W11624962 will need to replace main ACU adviced customer to contact Whirlpool and they will pay for repair.
We serviced a
frigidaire refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14607
Job Details:
unit is low on refrigerant this type of repair We don?t do recommend just get a new fridge or have someone add refrigerant in the system.
We serviced a
Whirlpool WAsher
Near Webster, NY 14580
Jose R
Job Details:
Replaced actuator and ran a cycle unit completed a cycle inform Cx to run a load and educate us on how it?s going
We serviced a
whirlpool refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
customer said ice maker wasn?t working, when i opened freezer it was packed and food had fallen into ice bucket and ice maker was off. i removed some stuff and took cover off then turned ice maker on and pushed door switch. ice maker went into harvest mode and filled w water. ice maker works without issues.
i talked to customer about over packing fridge and explain if something triggers that the ice bucket is full it won?t make more ice and talked to her about air flow with a lot of stuff in freezer.
did a long run vent cleaning. a lot of helicopters from trees came out along w peanuts so after i cleaned it i went into the basement to unhook part of vent to take a look inn to make sure there wasn?t anything else and i found a couple acorns at the bottom of it so those were removed.
venting is clean.
We serviced a
GE Refrigerator
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details:
I replaced the filter housing and installed the filter it?s working great now.
We serviced a
Samsung dishwasher
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
Water leak causing LC code has dried up and unit is working apon arrival - let unit run 45 minutes and found one drop of water rear right side appears to be a tub issue and not cost effective to repair
We serviced a
whirlpool oven
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details:
I tested all the top burners and found no leaks. I tested them just because I was there although the oven seemed to be the problem. I ran bake for a good 20 min on 350. The electronic ignition is sparking every time and has a nice clean spark. I used my gas probe and tested all around the gas lines and burner. No leaks detected. I also tested around the main valve and no leaks there. I got a small whiff of gas when the stove initially fired up the first time. I also had the door open and it takes about a 1-1.5 seconds for the burner to completely lite. It?s possible it?s an intermittent issue and that if they do smell gas to def give us a call.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14611
Jose R
Job Details:
Cx has a bad board not detecting the amount of water that?s in the unit when having it fill and then drain the pressure is nice and strong would need to replace control board if wanting to go along with repair
We serviced a
Whirlpool Oven
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Replace spark module #tested unit working normal now
We serviced a
GE Stove
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details:
WB24X25013 Switch
WB30T10130 Burner is bad going to be $450 to fix going to hold off and think about it.
We serviced a
GE Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details:
RS hinge bent and will need to be replaced customer will order and call us to replace.
We serviced a
LG dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose R
Job Details:
Dropped off part to cx did not install board
We serviced a
kenmore washer
Near Rochester, NY 14607
Jose D
Job Details:
The lid switch is broken where the screws hold it in place. The lid switch will need to be replaced. I replaced the lid switch, ran and tested, the washer now recognizes the lid switch and is working properly now.
We serviced a
bosch dishwasher
Near Palmyra, NY 14522
Job Details:
Looks like it needs a new door latch. I replaced the door latch and tested it?s working good
We serviced a
Kitchen aid refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Jose R
Job Details:
Cx not having a single frost pattern build up in the fridge compressor would need to be replaced would need to get in contact with manufacturer to get it covered
We serviced a
maytag dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14607
Jose D
Job Details:
The dryer gas coils mis fired during the middle of the drying cycle. The gas coils will need to be repalced. I repalced the gas coils, ran and tested, the dryer is now working properly. The flame is also staying on for a longer period of time.
We serviced a
kitchen aid DISHWASHER
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Needs new pumps
No repair at this time
Estimate approx 400-420 plus tax would be due if repaired
We serviced a
Ge oven
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
did high lows and the temp is sitting lower than it should so I calibrated it up 20? told customers to use it for a bit to see if it works if not than a control board is needed.
We serviced a
Ge refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Customer stated that when she flushes toilet the fridge water dispenser drips water but it?s intermittent. I had customer flush her toilet she uses all the time multiple times and no water dripped out. I flushed the guest toilet multiple times and we flushed them both at the same time and still no water.
I looked over the fridge and there is no issue with it. If it starts again this is a plumbing issue that would appear to be an issue with the water pressure.
We serviced a
GE Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose D
Job Details:
The screw on the pulley wheel was kinda loose, which could have potentially caused the noise the customer was describing. I tightened the screw, ran and tested, everything seems to be working fine. Advised to call back if the issue happends again.
We serviced a
kenmore WAsher
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Will recommend hub and shocks customers going to think about the repair and will let us know
We serviced a
BOsch Dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Job Details:
Replace drain hose tested unit draining normal now. Also reinstalled second dishwasher for customer.
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Dishwasher
Near Churchville, NY 14428
Job Details:
Water Valve in basement was turned off to dishwasher, turned valve on and all is filling and running good.
We serviced a
whirlpool oven
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details:
Needs a new door lock motor isn?t stuck closed. I replaced the motor and it?s working good.
We serviced a
Frigidiare Stove
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Jose R
Job Details:
Cx would need membrane which they will not be going along with the repair and would be getting a new unit
We serviced a
Whirlpool Refrigerator
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Jose R
Job Details:
Cx will need ice maker defrost heater and defrost thermostat
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near Farmington, NY 14425
Job Details:
5303918498 needs a board
5304491944 Starter
It?s going to be about $650 to fix it roughly. Going to discuss with his wife.
We serviced a
frigidaire refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
the error code given was for the evap fan so that was replaces the fort time but the FZ door switch was also broken so that was ordered. when i came to put the door switch in i had to pull the fridge out to u plug it and when i pulled it out i saw that there was a rust spot that went down almost the entire fridge and there was a ball of ice still on the back of it. i let customer know about it and what that meant and they are going to be getting a new appliance.
We serviced a
LG Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details:
Dryer runs and heats but throws an error code for clogged venting. The venting runs through the attic and out the roof. Chris had been out here over a year ago for a similar issue and gave 5em vent wizards number but they didn?t call instead every couple of months they go on the food and just clean the mesh cover on the outside of vent. I gave them vent wizards number again and let them know that the entire vent needs to be cleaned not just the outside and after they do that if the code still appears the trip charge is good for 90 days so we can come back.
We serviced a
GE Microwave
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose R
Job Details:
Installed new microwave had to replaced the bracket and drill new holes on the top but everything is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
GE Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Jose R
Job Details:
Did a software update on the unit while on site the unit was working fine Cx stated that it happens every couple of days informed him to monitor unit and educate us on how it?s going
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14617
Job Details:
Replace maintenance kit tested unit spinning normal now
We serviced a
Whirlpool dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose D
Job Details:
The element burnt itself out. I replaced the element, ran and tested, everything is working properly now. I monitored the tempature for 15 mins to ensure it's fluctuating up and down properly. The dryer now has good heat.nadvised to call back if the previous issue happens again.
We serviced a
GE Dishwasher
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details:
Dishwasher was not draining but pump was running, I unhooked the drain hose on the dishwasher and used by shop van to get it the water but no5ing was coming out so I pulled dishwasher out and unhooked at drain pump and tried that way but hose was clogged. I used my dryer vent attachments and ran it through the line and unclogged it and I did it a few times then vacuumed it all the loose stuff and dishwasher is now draining without issues.
We serviced a
Speed queen washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Needs spin basket assy
May be under factory part warranty recommend customer contact factory service
Warranty info https://docs.alliancelaundry.com/tech_pdf/Production/200582en.pdf
Estimate for us to replace is 1675.00-2007.00 plus tax and shipping due on return no repair at this time
We serviced a
whirlpool dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14615
Job Details:
Replace thermal fuse tested unit working normal now
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Washer ACU bad high speed relay during normal run cycle checked all connections and per service order : W10913408 main ACU Will need to be replaced.
Customer will replace unit and call whirlpool.
We serviced a
maytag dryer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Replaced idler assembly and short section of vent - unit tests ok
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Syef code - reset computer and started working - if problem returns needs new control/ fan kit
Estimate is approx 510.00 plus tax and shipping due on return - no farther repair at this time
Customer requested mail receipt
We serviced a
LG Dryer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Venting came unattached from wall so dryer was moved and washer had to be moved some also then the venting was reattached with a clamp and tape. Ran dryer before putting back and everything is working without issues. While dryer was moved out I cleaned behind it and vacuumed up all the lint from it coming apart.
We serviced a
Electrolux refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Jose R
Job Details:
Cx top shelf was not sitting right not allowing the door to close properly went ahead and made adjustments and cleaned up the frost now unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Maytag Washert
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Installed new belts and felt pads and made sure feet were adjusted correctly and washer is running without issues.
We serviced a
Maytag Washert
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Installed new belts and felt pads and made sure feet were adjusted correctly and washer is running without issues.
We serviced a
KEnmore Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Job Details:
I tried new board didn?t work tried display board didn?t work at this point not really sure if this is actually a harness which is a little bit more work we just recommend get a new unit
We serviced a
LG refrigerator
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Reset filter lights and lights stopped flashing
Temps are to set temperature on todays visit and accurate unable to change operation- advised customer on how to set temperature
We serviced a
Bosch dishwasher
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
I replaced the water valve it was leaking water into the drip tray. I ran and tested it?s working good.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
Possibly needs a new clutch and shifter. This unit is 8+ yrs old she?s going to lol at new ones. $325 to repair.
We serviced a
Frigidaire Micorwave
Near Irondequoit, NY 14622
Job Details:
Checked microwave fully and can find no faults found.
We serviced a
Ge refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Bag of vegetables fell behind bottom drawer keeping one side of door open allowing moisture to buildup and freeze causing door to increase in not closing, cleared ice and bag of vegetables tested seal and door all is working good.
We serviced a
samsung refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Ice buildup on slide rails from defrosting sprayed with WD40 to remove moisture customer is very old so can pull to hard adviced customer to open and close the door a few times a day all is working good.
We serviced a
Kitchen Aid Oven
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
unit is calibrated back to normal unit should be working normal now
We serviced a
Whirlpool Microwave
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
microwave would run but would not heat and there was a humming sound when on which is the magnetron. i tested other components to make sure they were good and just the mag and TCO for the mag were needed. customer declined repair and is going to get a new one.
We serviced a
Samsung Dryer
Near Williamson, NY 14589
Job Details:
Replaced heating element and checks ok
We serviced a
kenmore oven
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose R
Job Details:
When diagnosing unit even was checking out right the only thing I seen was a burn mark on the board seen that the board is unavailable and discontinued Cx will need to start exploring there options on a new unit
We serviced a
GE Stove
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Job Details:
Ran unit multiple times working with inspects temperature sensors reading good igniter reading good
We serviced a
ge washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Laundry center won?t spin so when I took front off I saw that the pulley motor is crack and not connect do a new one along with a belt are being ordered.
12/4 pulley was fused to the motor and would not come off so unable to repair.
Front load that was leaking due to the gasket not being in place around the inner part so I put it back on and there is no more leak.
Ran dishwasher a few times and drained and customer went in basement and there was no leak under dishwasher or in basement.
We serviced a
Frigidaire oven
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
I replaced the main board and that didn?t work I had no voltage at the safety valve. Unless I disconnected the wires then I had voltage. I replaced the safety valve and the oven is working good now.
We serviced a
maytag dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Jose D
Job Details:
The dryer won't start on site. The timer is defective and then push to start switch is stuck on the "on" position. Both will need to be replaced.
We serviced a
Lg WAsher
Near Rochester, NY 14611
Jose D
Job Details:
Customer stated the spin cycle has been making noises, possibly from being unbalanced. I ran a spin cycle by itself and seen no issues. Ran a cycle with towels switch no issues. Advised to call back if the issue happends again.
We serviced a
GE Refrigerator
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Job Details:
Checked all wiring and components do not see any evidence of burning, can not smell anything from evap fan that is out of the normal smells, see no signs of wire damage, or light bulb burning on something, adviced customer to monitor and call if needed.
We serviced a
LG Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details:
Dryer runs and heats but throws an error code for clogged venting. The venting runs through the attic and out the roof. Chris had been out here over a year ago for a similar issue and gave 5em vent wizards number but they didn?t call instead every couple of months they go on the food and just clean the mesh cover on the outside of vent. I gave them vent wizards number again and let them know that the entire vent needs to be cleaned not just the outside and after they do that if the code still appears the trip charge is good for 90 days so we can come back.
We serviced a
GE Microwave
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose R
Job Details:
Installed new microwave had to replaced the bracket and drill new holes on the top but everything is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
GE Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Jose R
Job Details:
Did a software update on the unit while on site the unit was working fine Cx stated that it happens every couple of days informed him to monitor unit and educate us on how it?s going
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14617
Job Details:
Replace maintenance kit tested unit spinning normal now
We serviced a
Whirlpool dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose D
Job Details:
The element burnt itself out. I replaced the element, ran and tested, everything is working properly now. I monitored the tempature for 15 mins to ensure it's fluctuating up and down properly. The dryer now has good heat.nadvised to call back if the previous issue happens again.
We serviced a
GE Dishwasher
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details:
Dishwasher was not draining but pump was running, I unhooked the drain hose on the dishwasher and used by shop van to get it the water but no5ing was coming out so I pulled dishwasher out and unhooked at drain pump and tried that way but hose was clogged. I used my dryer vent attachments and ran it through the line and unclogged it and I did it a few times then vacuumed it all the loose stuff and dishwasher is now draining without issues.
We serviced a
Speed queen washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Needs spin basket assy
May be under factory part warranty recommend customer contact factory service
Warranty info https://docs.alliancelaundry.com/tech_pdf/Production/200582en.pdf
Estimate for us to replace is 1675.00-2007.00 plus tax and shipping due on return no repair at this time
We serviced a
whirlpool dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14615
Job Details:
Replace thermal fuse tested unit working normal now
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Washer ACU bad high speed relay during normal run cycle checked all connections and per service order : W10913408 main ACU Will need to be replaced.
Customer will replace unit and call whirlpool.
We serviced a
maytag dryer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Replaced idler assembly and short section of vent - unit tests ok
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Syef code - reset computer and started working - if problem returns needs new control/ fan kit
Estimate is approx 510.00 plus tax and shipping due on return - no farther repair at this time
Customer requested mail receipt
We serviced a
LG Dryer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Venting came unattached from wall so dryer was moved and washer had to be moved some also then the venting was reattached with a clamp and tape. Ran dryer before putting back and everything is working without issues. While dryer was moved out I cleaned behind it and vacuumed up all the lint from it coming apart.
We serviced a
Electrolux refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Jose R
Job Details:
Cx top shelf was not sitting right not allowing the door to close properly went ahead and made adjustments and cleaned up the frost now unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Maytag Washert
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Installed new belts and felt pads and made sure feet were adjusted correctly and washer is running without issues.
We serviced a
Maytag Washert
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Installed new belts and felt pads and made sure feet were adjusted correctly and washer is running without issues.
We serviced a
KEnmore Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Job Details:
I tried new board didn?t work tried display board didn?t work at this point not really sure if this is actually a harness which is a little bit more work we just recommend get a new unit
We serviced a
LG refrigerator
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Reset filter lights and lights stopped flashing
Temps are to set temperature on todays visit and accurate unable to change operation- advised customer on how to set temperature
We serviced a
Bosch dishwasher
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
I replaced the water valve it was leaking water into the drip tray. I ran and tested it?s working good.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
Possibly needs a new clutch and shifter. This unit is 8+ yrs old she?s going to lol at new ones. $325 to repair.
We serviced a
Frigidaire Micorwave
Near Irondequoit, NY 14622
Job Details:
Checked microwave fully and can find no faults found.
We serviced a
Ge refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Bag of vegetables fell behind bottom drawer keeping one side of door open allowing moisture to buildup and freeze causing door to increase in not closing, cleared ice and bag of vegetables tested seal and door all is working good.
We serviced a
samsung refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Ice buildup on slide rails from defrosting sprayed with WD40 to remove moisture customer is very old so can pull to hard adviced customer to open and close the door a few times a day all is working good.
We serviced a
Kitchen Aid Oven
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
unit is calibrated back to normal unit should be working normal now
We serviced a
Whirlpool Microwave
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
microwave would run but would not heat and there was a humming sound when on which is the magnetron. i tested other components to make sure they were good and just the mag and TCO for the mag were needed. customer declined repair and is going to get a new one.
We serviced a
Samsung Dryer
Near Williamson, NY 14589
Job Details:
Replaced heating element and checks ok
We serviced a
kenmore oven
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose R
Job Details:
When diagnosing unit even was checking out right the only thing I seen was a burn mark on the board seen that the board is unavailable and discontinued Cx will need to start exploring there options on a new unit
We serviced a
GE Stove
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Job Details:
Ran unit multiple times working with inspects temperature sensors reading good igniter reading good
We serviced a
ge washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Laundry center won?t spin so when I took front off I saw that the pulley motor is crack and not connect do a new one along with a belt are being ordered.
12/4 pulley was fused to the motor and would not come off so unable to repair.
Front load that was leaking due to the gasket not being in place around the inner part so I put it back on and there is no more leak.
Ran dishwasher a few times and drained and customer went in basement and there was no leak under dishwasher or in basement.
We serviced a
Frigidaire oven
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
I replaced the main board and that didn?t work I had no voltage at the safety valve. Unless I disconnected the wires then I had voltage. I replaced the safety valve and the oven is working good now.
We serviced a
maytag dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Jose D
Job Details:
The dryer won't start on site. The timer is defective and then push to start switch is stuck on the "on" position. Both will need to be replaced.
We serviced a
Lg WAsher
Near Rochester, NY 14611
Jose D
Job Details:
Customer stated the spin cycle has been making noises, possibly from being unbalanced. I ran a spin cycle by itself and seen no issues. Ran a cycle with towels switch no issues. Advised to call back if the issue happends again.
We serviced a
GE Refrigerator
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Job Details:
Checked all wiring and components do not see any evidence of burning, can not smell anything from evap fan that is out of the normal smells, see no signs of wire damage, or light bulb burning on something, adviced customer to monitor and call if needed.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose R
Job Details:
Cleaned both the dryers also cleaned out the vent on both units complete
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose R
Job Details:
We serviced a
frigidaire Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Jose D
Job Details:
Customer decided not to do the repair.
We serviced a
GE Microwave
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details:
Lose connection again not sure what?s going on with this issue told him recommend board and harness but he decided to just to get new unit If it happens again