We serviced a
Kenmore Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14623
Job Details: 07/02/2024
Customer had RG&E out and they redtagged dryer, due to gas leak inside, gas valve not fully shutting off found gas leak at valve, idler wheels and all will also need to be replaced due to normal wear, not cost affective to repair due to damage and cost of repair. MOD: 110.75132412 SER:M73622055
We serviced a
LG Dryer
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 07/02/2024
Dryer is heating without issues
We serviced a
whirlpool refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 07/02/2024
Ran unit through service mode checked all and all components check good no ice buildup on evap changed defrost from ADC To Basic and adviced customer to allow to run for a few days and call if problem returns.
We serviced a
Samsung Microwave
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose R
Job Details: 07/02/2024
Cx unit is not heating and things were burning when in operation cx would need magnetron and transformer if wanting to go along with the repair cx will be exploring there options on a brand new unit n
We serviced a
Electrolux Refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 07/02/2024
13-15 yr old fridge. Both the fridge and freezer are loosing temperature. When I got there the compressor was on and it was blowing cold air. All the fans are working. There was cold air blowing in but the fridge was in the 40?s and the freezer was reading 19 degrees. The change the boards out it?s going to be $600 or more. The compressor isn?t turning on right away and it?s extremely hot to the touch. Best bet is to shop for new fridge it is on the back end of its life expectancy.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 07/02/2024
Ice maker went into Service mode but didn?t fill and the water dispenser was not working either. I tested the valve and it was getting 120VAC and non of the lines were frozen so a new inlet valve is needed 7/2 Installed new water valve. Once valve was working and we tested there was a check in the plastic line that Went to the filter so I cut line and reconned without rack and it stopped leaking. After that there was a crack in the line that ran in the front and up through the door s a new door is needed but it?s discontinued so customer said he will let tenants know they can?t use dispenser and they will try and it fix it with glue or tape.
We serviced a
Kenmore Stove
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Jose D
Job Details: 07/02/2024
The infinite switch an the surface burner board has visible charging. Both the switch and the board will need to be replaced.
We serviced a
samsung dishwasher
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 07/01/2024
If customer calls back will recommend heater and case brake
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Will need display and board customer declined repair
We serviced a
Sasmung Dryer
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Replace thermistor tested unit working normal now no Hc code .
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near East Rochester, NY 14445
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Cleaned out drain plug tested unit working normal now
We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Henrietta, NY 14467
Jose R
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Replace Icemaker kit tested unit working normal wait 24 to 48 hours for Icemaker to make ice
We serviced a
Smasung Dryer
Near Brockport, NY 14420
Jose D
Job Details: 07/01/2024
I pulled the dryer apart and clean out the screws and paper clips out of the blower housing. I tested all the sensors and the igniter. Everything in the dryer tests good. I found the mesh screen on the dryer exhaust was packed full of lint. I cleaned it and straightened out the dryer hose for better flow. I tested the dryer and it cycled off and on with the heat about 8 times. It should be drying great now.
We serviced a
GE Refrigerator
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Compressor not turning on I have power going to it. Needs inverter board for compressor. I replaced the inverter and the compressor is coming on now and I feel cold air to the freezer now.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Refrigerator
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Customer needs paper copy of invoice. The compressor is making a bad noise internally. The mounts are all in place and it?s rattling badly
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14617
Jose D
Job Details: 07/01/2024
The washer won't spin on site, but drains good. Both the motor and the motor couplings check out to be good. The gearcase is damaged, and it will need to be replaced. The agitator washer dogs need to be replaced.
We serviced a
Samsung Washer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 07/01/2024
The washer has a bearing issue, and the drum is no longer attached. The repair is not economical.
We serviced a
Whirl;ool Dryer
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 07/01/2024
The dryer is not spinning on site. The belt is broken and will need to be replaced. I repaired the issue with the whirlpool maintenance kit. Ran and tested, the dryer is now spinning and working properly.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14623
Jose R
Job Details: 07/01/2024
No heat on site, the thermal fuse did not pass the continuity test. The fuse will need to be replaced. Replaced the fuse, ran and tested, the dryer now has heat and is working properly.
We serviced a
Samsung Stove
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Jose R
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Cx is getting Samsung to look at the ice maker for fridge and did not want it serviced cx would need regulator for the stove
We serviced a
kenmore refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Cx has a bad compressor unit does not have a full frost pattern and compressor is running and all fans are spinning as well and not a single frost on the coils cx will have to start exploring there options on a new unit complete
We serviced a
Whirlpool refrigerator
Near Churchville, NY 14428
Jose D
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Cx had a bad control board and unit is in bad shape best interest would be to invest in a new unit instead of trying to get repair done complete
We serviced a
Maytag Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose R
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Cx unit was making a loud squeaking noise went ahead and replaced maintenance kit now unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Cx has a bad ice maker when hitting the test button switch the ice maker is not being responsive would need to replace ice maker
We serviced a
Kenmore refrigerator
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Cx unit was not cooling to the proper temp in the fridge if cx wants to go along with any repair would recommend damper and thermostat
We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Jose R
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Fridge was not mailing ice and automatic water pitcher was not filling, when I checked ice trays only a very small amount of water was going in but ice makers were working and going into harvest mode. I pulled fridge out and the the water line was linked preventing water from going into fridge. I fixed line and pitcher filled and ice makers filled completely and everything is working without issues. Short run vent cleaning was done
We serviced a
Kenmore Refrigerator
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Freezer had stayed open one night and everything had frosted over and there was ice build up. When I took evap cover off the damper where the cool air flows from the FZ to the FF section was full of ice so I removed all the ice and put it back together and waited about 15min and temp in FF section started to drop. Let customer know to give it a bit for temp to get back to good temp but everything else is working without issues.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Jose R
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Washer would go thru the spin cycle but would not agitate and there was a humming sound. Took skin off and everything looked good but noticed washer was not filling all the way with water and only hot was coming out. Checked water valves and the cold water was turned off. I?m nice I turned it back on the washer started to agitate. I put back together and tested it a few times and it agitated and, drained and as spinning. Washer is now working without issues.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Jose D
Job Details: 07/01/2024
Customer had just plugged fridge back in today because he had it unplugged to defrost. Water was coming out normal now. Compressor was running, FF section was at 46? and FZ was at 17? there was frost on evaporator. I put in service mode and everything was working but the evap fan was not turning on. I tested at board and it was getting 14VDC which is what is should be getting and after a bit I heard it kick on. Since customer just plugged back in and temps are dropping and frost is on evap I told him to give it a full 24hrs to get to correct temp and if the fan stops working for any reason part number will be in notes if they need or decide to fix. Fridge is 14 years old. W11334745 Evap fan motor $121
We serviced a
LG Refrigerator
Near Williamson, NY 14589
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Customer supplied water valve replace valve for customer and everything is working normal explain customer about the lower rate is a coil cleaning they ok with that wait 24 to 48 hours for icemaker to make ice .
We serviced a
Ge refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14607
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Main PCB board relay burnt and took all other components with it UI control Temp control all sensors, unit is not cost affective to repair and also NLA parts.
We serviced a
Samsung Dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Jose R
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Cx getting voltage to the unit but not turning on cx would need display and main board if wanting to go along with repair
We serviced a
kenmore dryer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 06/28/2024
TCO was bad so a new one was installed and dryer is heating.
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Water valve is leaking and has been spraying water all in the UI and the water is all over the main board. A new appliance is needed. They have an old front load in the garage but it?s has a dryer n top and he thinks he is just going to go buy a new one.
We serviced a
Kenmore Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose D
Job Details: 06/28/2024
The washer drum is damaged and deteach from the shaft. Not economical to repair.
We serviced a
LG Oven
Near Irondequoit, NY 14609
Jose D
Job Details: 06/28/2024
The oven will not heat up on site. The igniter amperage was 2.2. the igniter will need to be replaced. I replaced the igniter, ran and tested, the oven now heats up properly.
We serviced a
Amana Dryer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 06/28/2024
When I started running dryer didn?t get no noise customer did state it sound like a scraping sound when I open the unit up I didn?t notice a piece of plastic inside drum could be the issue told customer just keep running unit see if noise comes back .
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 06/28/2024
FF section was at 60? and FZ was at 17? put in service mode and tested everything and it all tested good. I took freezer apart and there was a ball of ice which indicates a leak so customer is going to get a new appliance.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Garbage Disposal
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Cleaned out garbage disposal unit works normal no weird noise
We serviced a
frigidaire oven
Near Greece, NY 14612
Jose R
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Cx touch pad is not being responsive that is not allowing cx to utilize the oven portion if cx wants to go along with repair would recommend control board and overlay
We serviced a
GE refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Call customer before going maybe out of town****Main control board defrost and run diode burnt out causing unit to go into a long term defrost allowing unit to warm for day, will need the main control board. 06-28-24: Replaced main PCB ran and tested all and all is running and working good.
We serviced a
GE Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14615
Jose D
Job Details: 06/28/2024
The oven would not ignite. The igniter amperage was 2.2. the igniter would need to be replaced. I replaced the igniter, ran and tested, the oven now heats up and works properly.
We serviced a
Samsung Washer
Near Farmington, NY 14425
Job Details: 06/28/2024
I drained the remaining water out of the washer. I pulled the filter and it was packed full of debris. It looked like parts and pieces of a rug. I drained and filled the unit 4 times without any issues.
We serviced a
Samsung washer
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Jose R
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Cx power button was not being responsive went ahead and adjusted the control board and make sure the button is making contact with the power button now unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Whirlpool Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14617
Jose R
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Cx has signs of infestation inside the unit and and they will be exploring there options on a brand new unit
We serviced a
Kenmore Dryer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose D
Job Details: 06/28/2024
F2 error code on site. The unit won't go into a cycle. The error code indicates the user interface board is having issues. the user interface will need to be replaced.
We serviced a
Maytag WAsher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 06/28/2024
The hose was leaking at the extractor and fill side of the water inlet valve. The customer had a brand new hose kit assy for the washer so I replaced the leaky hose. I tested it and it?s good no more leaks. The hose had a hole rubbed into it.
We serviced a
frigidaire Wall oven
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Replace control board# tested unit working normal now
We serviced a
Lg Refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Fridge was not staying col, tested compressor and it was bad. Customer is going to get a new appliance
We serviced a
LG Washer
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details: 06/28/2024
The bearing in the washer had let loose. The washer is no good. They?re looking at new ones. Since I was there, they needed a new garbage disposal which they had on hand so I installed it for them.
We serviced a
LG Refrigerator
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details: 06/28/2024
The entire fridge was warm, FZ section defrost and started to get warm then the FF section got warm. I tested the compressor and it was not getting continuity at the windings. A new fridge is needed and she actually has one being delivered this afternoon.
We serviced a
frigidaire Upright freezer
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Found a service bulletin that says to replace those two parts to get the freezer to stop leaking water into the fan. A new air tower and pcb. I did the update kit for the tower and the main pcb board.
We serviced a
Maytag Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Ran both dryer for numerous times cycles all components check good flame is good, temperatures are all within range on at 112? off at 220?, tennants must be overloading to cause damp clothing to come out.
We serviced a
Kitchen refrigerator
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Freezer is working fine but fridge is not cooling no frost pattern will recommend getting compressor check
We serviced a
ge washer
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Jose R
Job Details: 06/28/2024
The shaft on the timer was bad not allowing the knob to turn to select a cycle went ahead and replaced timer now unit is opera with in specs complete
We serviced a
Maytag Dryer
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Replace maintenance kit # tested unit working normal now
We serviced a
ge stove
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Jose D
Job Details: 06/28/2024
The back left burner element was disassembled on site. After reassembling the burner and testing it, it's giving off heat and working properly. Both broil and bake are also working properly. Advised to call back if they have the same issue again.
We serviced a
bosch dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14620
Job Details: 06/28/2024
Motor bad will need to replace under warranty. 06-28-24: tested warranty motor test was bad replaced with new warranty motor and all is heating and running good.
We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Jose R
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Cx unit would shit off and trip the breaker every 5 min when diagnosing unit and running it on another outlet unit stood on and did not trip inform cx to monitor u it and educated us on how it?s going but it looks like they are have to get in contact with an electrician to issue resolved
We serviced a
Whirlpool dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Jose D
Job Details: 06/27/2024
The dryer won't spin on site. The belt is broken and it will need to be replaced. I repaired the issue with the maintenance kit, ran and tested, the dryer is now spinning and working properly.
We serviced a
Frigidaire Dishwasher
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 06/27/2024
There?s no water going to the dishwasher will need a plumber
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Dryer had a lot of lint inside causing lint to be on the wheels causing noise on the drum I cleaned out all the lint oil the wheels unit is working no noise
We serviced a
samsung refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Will need freezer fan assembly customer paid in full first visit
We serviced a
Whirlpool refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Ran through every service mode all components check good tested compressor all is good, ran through long defrost all is defrosting and running good ice buildup on defrost thermostat caused defrost cycle to time out and ice buildup relocated defrost bi metal all should be good.
We serviced a
LG Washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Replace Drain pump tested unit working normal now
We serviced a
Roper Waasher
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose D
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Won't go into a spin cycle on site, The washer needs a.lid switch and washer dogs. After replacing the lid switch, the motor was humming and getting accesively hot..which indicates the motor is bad..the washer also burnt out the new switch I put in.
We serviced a
samsung dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Jose R
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Went ahead and replaced drain pump case brake and drain hose now unit is operating with in specs no error codes complete
We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Jose R
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Cx fan motor inside the fridge is making noise would need to replace evap cover to resolve issue
We serviced a
Whirlpool dishwasher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose D
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Some standing water on site.. I cleaned the filter, and checked the hose going into the disposal. The filter had a light film on both sides of the filter screen that I cleaned off. Ran and tested, the dishwasher is draining properly. Advised to call back if the issue happens again.
We serviced a
Ge Refrigerator
Near Brighton, NY 14610
Job Details: 06/27/2024
I replaced the evap fan in the fridge section it wasn?t spinning. The deli section fan was working good. I check for updates and there weren?t any. Ran and tested the fan is working good. I told the Karen it?s going to be a good 6hrs before the fridge gets cold.
We serviced a
LG Stove
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Stove -Replace bake igniter LG # tested unit working normal now Dryer - explain to customer about moisture sensor
We serviced a
Kenmore dryer
Near Irondequoit, NY 14609
Jose D
Job Details: 06/27/2024
The dryer initially has heat, but as the cycle goes on, it will no longer have heat. The igniter has good amperage. The gas coils are faulty and they will need to be replaced.i replaced the gas coils, ran and tested, the dryer now heats up, and maintains heat throughout the cycle.
We serviced a
Sasmung refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Frost build up on food in freezer gasket doesn?t seem to be sealing well also rails seem to not be good. Customer is just going to deal with the rails and only have me replace gasket.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Jose D
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Water near the washers floor on site. I dried the floor, ran and tested the washer through multiple cycles, with no signs of a leaks coming from the washer. Water is leaking from the back of the furnace, and the water is pooling downhill near the washer. Both the furnace and there water heater needs to be inspected for leaks, but I can confirm the water leak is not coming from the washing machine.
We serviced a
Maytag washer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Washer had a bad motor and shift actuator. Customer is just going to use until it breaks because it still work on smaller loads Dishwasher needed the filer and hose cleaned out and the screen. I scrubbed the inside of dishwasher where filer goes Fridge was leaking ice from corner of freezer door and the inside of freezer had a 1? piece sheet of ice covering the bottom. I pulled fridge out and unclogged the drain then steamed out the ice and the drain hole under evaporator. The upper drawer slid in the freezer is broken so that was ordered but customer wants to try and install so the part will get dropped off when we get it in. No updates were available for either Appliance
We serviced a
kenmore refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Refrigerator has no frost pattern due to sealed system issue unit will need to be replaced.
We serviced a
Kenmore upright Freezer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 06/27/2024
297286803 And 297259514 Starter and run capacitor for the compressor. He?s going to discuss with his wife. $255 remainder of repaired
We serviced a
Whirlpool Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Jose R
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Cx had a bad igniter was not allowing the oven or broil function to work properly also was providing 2.5 amps went ahead and replaced igniter now unit is operating with in specs
We serviced a
ge dishwasher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Was able to reset dishwasher and completed software update ran and tested all and all is running good.
We serviced a
Maytag Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Ran dryer through all temperature settings with and without vent attached and all temperatures are running normal 107? on and 187?off with vent on without vent temps dropped by 10? on both on and off. Checked all thermostats and sensors all are correct and operating within specs.
We serviced a
Ge` dryer
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Jose D
Job Details: 06/27/2024
The dryer timer control knob is cracked and damaged. The control knob will need to be replaced.
We serviced a
Ge Dryer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Jose R
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Went ahead and cleaned out the dryer and took unit apart and put it back together and now the unit does not have any scrapping noises also took out bird nest out of the vent now unit is venting properly complete
We serviced a
Kenmore Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose R
Job Details: 06/27/2024
Cx has a bad control board which is unavailable to order manufacture no longer makes the part cx will have to start exploring there option on a new unit
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14617
Jose D
Job Details: 06/26/2024
The washer will not go into a spin mode. The drive hub is stripped and will need to be replaced. I replaced the drive hub, ran and tested, the washer now goes into a spin mode. The dryer is showing good temaptures on site, with no signs of any issues. The venting exhaust is clear of lint, with a strong air flow. Advised to call back if they feel there still having drying issues with the dryer.
We serviced a
kenmore washer
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Jose R
Job Details: 06/26/2024
Could not get agitator out to replace hub cx will be exploring there options on a brand new unit complete
We serviced a
GE refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 06/26/2024
I cannot get the parts need to fix this fridge. The door gasket isn?t sealing at the bottom. The heater is also not available anymore as well.
We serviced a
ge refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 06/26/2024
Door shelf hitting on inner shelf adjust shelf all is closing good.
We serviced a
GE Dishwasher
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Jose D
Job Details: 06/26/2024
The dishwasher is locked, and the door won't open. Can't pull the dishwasher out because I can't access the top mounting screws..the dishwasher washer was manufactured in 2005, and no parts are available.
We serviced a
Ge Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Job Details: 06/26/2024
Ran machine through smarthq service mode all components check good, all fans are running good defrost heaters are heating and running good.
We serviced a
LG refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Job Details: 06/26/2024
When I got to customer home the bottom drawer right side rails is not closing correctly causing lots of ice build up and condensation noticed that there was food boxes behind the drawer I remove the food and clean up all the ice buildup now drawers close fine now wait 24 to 48 hours for proper cooling.
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Jose R
Job Details: 06/26/2024
Customer had condensation all gold up in the freezer where the rails where all iced over and was not allowing the door to close properly went ahead and cleaned the unit out and now unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
LG Dishwasher
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 06/26/2024
Replace soap dispenser Tested unit no leaks.
We serviced a
whirlpool disposal
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 06/26/2024
Replace garbage disposal tested unit working normal no leaks
We serviced a
maytag washer
Near Rochester, NY 14619
Jose R
Job Details: 06/26/2024
Cx complaint was that the unit was not working when diagnosing unit and running a overall diagnostic everything passed went ahead and calibrated unit and inform cx to run some loads and educate us on how it?s going complete Cx did not want us to look at dryer
We serviced a
Kenmore refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 06/26/2024
After 15 minutes still no frost pattern this is a seal system issue Low on refrigerant
We serviced a
Amana Refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 06/26/2024
FZ is leaking into FF section. I took evap cover off and there is no ice build up but this is an old fridge and the drain line runs into FF and out the back and down the outside of the back of fridge. At one point there must have been an ice build up and went around drain in FF and there is now a small hole around the drain in the ceiling of the fridge which causes water to drip when it does into defrost. The hold id not fixable so customer is just going to deal with it for now
We serviced a
whirlpool refrigerator
Near Irondequoit, NY 14609
Job Details: 06/26/2024
Ran refrigerator through service mode all components check good, tested icemaker and fill valve all tested good, power outage caused unit to go into an extended defrost all is working good now, icemaker was turned off.
We serviced a
Kenmore dryer
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Jose D
Job Details: 06/26/2024
No heat on site. The thermal fuse did not pass the continuity test, the fuse will need to be replaced. I replaced the fuse, ran and tested, the dryer now heats up and is working properly.
We serviced a
frigidaire Oven
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 06/26/2024
I replaced he bake igniter. It was only getting red hot halfway down the igniter. I ran and tested the oven ignites quickly now.
We serviced a
LG Dryer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Jose D
Job Details: 06/26/2024
The dryer door switch on site is faulty. I replaced the door switch, ran and tested, the dryer now goes into a cycle and works properly.