We serviced a
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details: 03/20/2024
I pulled the filter and vacuumed out inside the sump. I pulled the cover off of the main pump inlet and vacuumed. I found a long plastic piece that?s used to hold veggies together inside the vacuum when I dumped the water out. I ran and tested the dishwasher it sounds and is working normally for 20 min.
We serviced a
frigidaire dishwasher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 03/20/2024
Dishwasher Door was not closing correct causing the door to pop open causing unit not to start Reinstall Dishwasher now unit is secured close fine dispensers opens and unit drains .
We serviced a
Near Rochester, NY 14613
Jose D
Job Details: 03/20/2024
No signs of water Leaking from the washing machine. Water is splashing onto the floor because the drain hose is angling towards the edge of the sink tub. The drain hose needs to face down towards the bottom of the sink tub.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Brockport, NY 14420
Job Details: 03/20/2024
Lid switch bad and agitator dogs replaced all ran and tested all is working good.
We serviced a
GE Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details: 03/20/2024
FF evap fan not operating and will need to be change along with software update, changed evap fan in FF section and completed software update ran and tested all components all are checking good and running good FF section temps at start 62? after fan replacement and software install temp has dropped to 35? at upper right vent channel.
We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose R
Job Details: 03/20/2024
Customer complaint was that the ice maker was not working and the tray was frozen over and could not pull out customer would need a new ice maker and also would need to defrost that tray to pull it out because it?s all frozen over customer will try to deal with Samsung to see if they can cover it or give us a call back if wanting to go along with the repair
We serviced a
samsung washer
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Job Details: 03/20/2024
Washer filter clogged, removed clog ran and tested all through service mode all is filling and draining good, no error codes, water leaking from house water Valve informed customer of leak and suggested replacing water shutoff valve.
We serviced a
Electrolux dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14621
Jose R
Job Details: 03/20/2024
Went ahead and replaced board and did a short vent run and educated customer to monitor unit and let us know how it?s going
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose D
Job Details: 03/20/2024
Installed the washing machine, ran and tested, all components for the washer are working properly.
We serviced a
whirlpool dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14619
Jose D
Job Details: 03/20/2024
Standing water on site, with water dripping from the bottoms right corner. After removing the door front panel, I was able to see that the leak was coming from the washers vent. The bottom of the vent seal is deteriated and would need to be replaced. Replaced the vent, ran and test, no signs of water coming from the vent anymore.
We serviced a
GE Washer
Near East Rochester, NY 14445
Jose R
Job Details: 03/20/2024
Cover on the display came off had put it back together now unit is operating with in specs
We serviced a
Frigidaire freezer
Near Williamson, NY 14589
Job Details: 03/20/2024
Replaced compressor inverter board and compressor started running and cooling - may take 24 hours to reach set temps
We serviced a
frigidaire microwave
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 03/20/2024
He touch pannel isn?t working. It?s built into the door and part of the front glass. It needs a new front panel control board. Going to be pushing $600.00 to repair she?s going to look at new units.
We serviced a
Frigidaire Diswasher
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Replaced water level sensor and error code is gone - unit appears ok
We serviced a
Maytag Dishwasher
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Replaced upper rack support
We serviced a
Lg Dryer
Near West Henrietta, NY 14586
Job Details: 03/19/2024
I took the dryer apart and cleaned it out. The vent is under the deck and it?s completely sealed off so I can?t get to it.
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Palmyra, NY 14522
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Washer would not agitate correctly, I was able to get the agitator off and the post was covered in hair that was wrapped around it so it was preventing agitator from gripping how it should to move correct. I cleaned the agitator off and the post and put it all back together and washer is working without issues. Daughter Brianna was home and sign for her father
We serviced a
Ge Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Installed new bake element and oven is heating to temp without issues
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Check for error code no error code ran a full diagnostic and pass didn?t see no issues .
We serviced a
whirlpool garbage disposal
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Installed new disposal
We serviced a
subzero upright freezer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Needs inlet and icemaker - turned ice maker off customer will call if ordered - customer may try to order parts and have us install. Sent email invoice only - homeowner not present
We serviced a
frigidaire refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Customer replaced icemaker by themselves and didn't cycle properly cycled.
We serviced a
Bosch Dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14615
Jose R
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Customer complaint was that the unit would not work when diagnosing unit notice customer had a bad board and would need to be replaced
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Microwave
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 03/19/2024
I need to find the right small bulb holder to quote customer could not find . Will give customer call once we find parts
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Replaced upper ff ice maker
We serviced a
frigidaire dishwasher
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Customer said that her bottom of dishwasher was full of water and leaking out corner of door so she googled what to do and tool filter out and was complete full of stuff. She cleaned it out then ran it and noticed the drip was still there. I got there and turned the dishwasher on and ran it while I did the dryer venting. Dishwasher ran over 30 min an and there was no leak or drip.
We serviced a
Dishwasher Bosch
Near Brighton, NY 14610
Jose R
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Customer complaint was that the unit would spit a e11 error code when diagnosing unit could not replicate any issue or error codes went ahead and did a cleaning on the dishwasher and also a dry vent clean as well and both units should be working with in specs complete
We serviced a
Kitcheniad Oven
Near Irondequoit, NY 14617
Jose D
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Both the oven and stove not working on site. No sparks coming from the stove. And no voltage going into the igniters. All fuses check out good. The unit will need a new main board.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Williamson, NY 14589
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Replaced open heating element with new and tests ok
We serviced a
Bosch Dischwasher
Near Irondequoit, NY 14609
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Remove drain cap from garbage disposal unit drains normal now .
We serviced a
frigidaire dishwasher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Installed longer corse thread screws. It should be all set.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Garbage disposal
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Installed a new garbage disposal. The old one was seized up.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14623
Jose D
Job Details: 03/19/2024
The inner tub is broken off the shaft. Not economical to repair due to the age of the washing machine.
We serviced a
kenmore washer
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Main control board and noise filter loosing power through board transformer both will need to be replaced if problem comes back.
We serviced a
subzero refrigerator
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details: 03/19/2024
This unit has dual compressors. The freezer compressor has zero voltage coming to it. No matter what setting the temp is on the compressor has no power. It looks like it needs a freezer thermostat and it was coming up as NLA obsolete part. Unit is from 1994.
We serviced a
Whirlpool dryer
Near Irondequoit, NY 14609
Jose D
Job Details: 03/19/2024
The dryer will not spin on site. The belt is broken and would need to be replaced. I repaired the issue with the maintenance kit. Ran and tested, the dryer now goes into cycle and works properly.
We serviced a
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Motor seized up and has a burning smell. Customer is going to get a new dryer
We serviced a
LG Microwave
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Jose R
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Customer needed microwave to be installed went ahead and and installed unit now it?s mounted right and operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose R
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Customer complaint was that the unit would not drain when diagnosing it notice that there was a sock stuck in the pump went ahead and ran a diagnostic with sock removed and everything passed and working with in specs complete
We serviced a
whirlpool washer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose D
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Washer won't go into a cycle on site. Customer stated they seen an EO1 error code. I checked the filter, drain pump, and drain hose, and all are good. The main board is clicking, but not able to communicate properly. The main board is faulty and will need to be replaced.
We serviced a
frigidaire Stove
Near Rochester, NY 14605
Job Details: 03/19/2024
Stove is infested with roaches I would recommend clean out all the roaches and then if still happening will request a new display board .
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14617
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Cleaned out drain pump filter now unit drains normal now
We serviced a
Ge Oven
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Jose D
Job Details: 03/18/2024
The bake element is damaged and will need to be replaced. I replaced the element, ran and tested, the oven now has good heat.
We serviced a
samsung oven
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Oven will need UI control board and power control board to repair.
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14621
Jose R
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Went ahead and replaced damper to make sure that the top section was not freezing also cleaned out deli control as well now unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Whirlpool Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Water tank was frozen causing no ice or water dispenser defrost water tank now unit is dispensing water and will make ice within 24 hours.
We serviced a
electrolux dryer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Appears gas valve is sticking closed Estimate approx 385 plus tax and shipping would be due on return - no repair at this time
We serviced a
Maytag Dryer
Near Irondequoit, NY 14609
Jose D
Job Details: 03/18/2024
No heat on site. The thermal fuse did not pass the continuity test, and will need to be Replaced. I replaced the thermal fuse, ran and tested, the dryer now has heat and is working properly.
We serviced a
Samsung Washer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 03/18/2024
I wasn?t getting any water out of the drain line it I could hear the pump running.so I vacuumed the water out of the tub. I then pulled off all the drain lines and vacuumed them out. The problem was that I found an infant sock sucked up into the drain pump housing causing the blockage. I removed it reassembled the washer. I ran a rinse and spin cycle and it?s workin great now.
We serviced a
Speedqueen Washer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 03/18/2024
I installed new parts are there water isn't dripping anymore
We serviced a
Whirlpool refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14615
Jose R
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Customer complaint is that the unit would lose cooling in the freezer then freeze right back up when diagnosing unit everything was working right the recommendation would be to come back with thermostat and defrost timer replaced those parts now unit should be operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 03/18/2024
00642855 Temp probe 160.00 to fix Going to discuss the repair and call us back.
We serviced a
Electrolux Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Ice building up on outside back of refrigerator where icemaker evap is it is a known problem for these unites rerouted water lines over out of path of freeze patch, adviced customer of defrosting of ice on back of unit running down onto floor.
We serviced a
Ge refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Replace fan motor and sensor with software update check diagnostic code everything pass no issues found .
We serviced a
GE washer
Near Rochester, NY 14606
Job Details: 03/18/2024
They going to need few parts they decided getting a new unit
We serviced a
Kitchen Aid refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14615
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Replace left and right fridge door seal .
We serviced a
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Customer is going to call Samsung about ice maker Dryer was making noise and a maintenance kit was installed and working without issues. Dryer vent is right outside from mom back of dryer and doesn?t need to be cleaned.
We serviced a
Kitchen aid oven
Near Spencerport, NY 14559
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Convection heating coil bolt stripped allowing element to hit fan and stop it and causing fan to trip breaker. Replaced screw with larger screw to secure element in place ran and tested all is working good and quiet.
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Washer had a bunch of stuff under it and a pair of pantyhose stuck in the plastic cover/pulley. All of it was removed and ran and it?s workin without sound. Oven needs a new board, neither bake or broil are working and when tested for voltage from board they did not receive any. This is over 15 years old so husband is going to talk to wife and get back to us if they want to order board. Part will be in notes.
We serviced a
Frigidaire dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose D
Job Details: 03/18/2024
The heating element is damaged and will need to be replaced. I replaced the heating element, ran and tested, the dryer now has heat and is working properly.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Replaced drain pump assy And checks ok
We serviced a
Whirlpool dryer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Jose D
Job Details: 03/18/2024
I removed the sponge from the lint housing, ran and tested, the dryer is working properly.
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Drain hose clogged from grease buildup cleared all and all is draining good.
We serviced a
electrolux Refrigertaor
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Insulation is starting to fail between freezer and ff and icemaker causing crisper and filter housing to freeze - unit is non repairable
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Microwave
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Needs cams for door latches. I replaced these parts and tested the unit. It turns on and is working good. It recognizes that the door is closed and heated up water.
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Dishwasher
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Replaced upper rack support kit and checks ok
We serviced a
frigidaire washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Washer was taking awhile to spin cloths out. I cleaned filter out and washer is spinning it?s also 10+ years old and she is going to use it till it breaks. Also did a short run vent cleaning
We serviced a
samsung dryer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Jose D
Job Details: 03/18/2024
The dryer would not go into cycle on site. Everything within the dryer checks out good. The customer stated that she did have an issue with the dryer not turning off, after the cycle is done. After inspecting the main board and tapping on the relay switches, the dryer did temporarily turn on and go into a cycle, but would not turn back on afterwards. This indicates that the relays on the main board are getting stuck. The main board will need to be replaced.
We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details: 03/18/2024
DA82-02699A Ice maker kit she?s goin to try and call Samsung. 525.00 to fix
We serviced a
Ge Dryer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Dryer isn?t heating, checked timer first and it?s good. Took apart dryer and the purple wire connected to the heating element is burned. A new he is being ordered along with the backsplash which one of her. Children broke 3/18 installed purple wire harness and dryer is heating without issues. Replaced broken backsplash
We serviced a
Samsung Dishwasher
Near Marion, NY 14505
Job Details: 03/18/2024
Unit partially taken apart apon arrival and pulled from hole . Very small amount of water in flood pan causing leak switch to be activated- dried water from switch and let unit run - unable to find cause of leak, water marks and staining appear to be coming from sump area but part is NLA
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Jose D
Job Details: 03/15/2024
The gas coils are faulty and will need to be replaced. I replaced the gas coils, ran and tested, the dryer now works properly.
We serviced a
LG washer
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Washer was not draining so I put in service mode to confirm. Cleaned out filter to make sure it wasn?t clogged and it was not. Replaced drain pump and washer is running and draining without issues
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14606
Jose D
Job Details: 03/15/2024
The washer won't go into cycle. The compacitor is blown with grey liquid nearby. The compacitor will need to be replaced. The dryer suppoter wheels are damaged and will need to be replaced. I replaced the compacitor, ran and tested, the washer now goes into cycle and works properly. I repaired the damaged support wheels with the maintenance kit, ran and tested the dryer no longer makes the noise and runs properly.
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Dishwasher
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Replaced wash pump assembly and checks ok Dryer vent does have some restrictions, but being on an exterior wall recommend consulting vent wizard as there may be a different type vent recommended
We serviced a
Bosch refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Installed new ice maker and mounting bracket. Ice maker went into harvest mode without issues.
We serviced a
ge Dishwahser
Near Irondequoit, NY 14617
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Customer education on making sure filter is flush and tighten down . Didn?t get no noise when running unit and no software update .
We serviced a
whirlpool dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose R
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Customer complaint was that the unit still was not cleaning when diagnosing unit went ahead and raised the hot water tank so the dishwasher is getting the 120 inside of the the unit inform customer to monitor unit and if issue keeps on happening would recommend pump and motor
We serviced a
lg dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14620
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Will recommend new display #AGL75172613
We serviced a
Whirlpool Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14615
Jose R
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Customer complaint is that the unit would lose cooling in the freezer then freeze right back up when diagnosing unit everything was working right the recommendation would be to come back with thermostat and defrost timer
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Washer door boot is ripped and needs to be replaced 3/15 installed new washer boot then tested washer and it?s working without leaks.
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Appears mcu is faulty Recommend replacing Estimate approx 500 plus tax and shipping would be due on return No repair at this time
We serviced a
Maytag Stove
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Jose D
Job Details: 03/15/2024
The oven setting were set to energy savings on, therefore it would not display the clock all the time. The language was set to Spanish, and I reset it to English. The temp was set to Celsius, and I reset it to fahrenheit. Informed the customer is there settings are changing on there own, then they would need a new control board.
We serviced a
LG Refrigerator
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Fridge was making noise then over a few days started to get warm to the point they couldn?t keep food in there anymore. When I got here it was unplugged so I plugged it back in and the compressor and the fans all turned on and started running like normal. After about 10 min I checked for a frost patter but there was not one then I tested compressor and got a reading on 2 sets of pins but the other pin was 0L so the compressor is bad. Fridge is just under 7 years old so customer is going to call LG and see if they can get anything covered.
We serviced a
Frigidaire Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Jose R
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Customer igniter was not providing any amps went ahead and replaced igniter now unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Kenmore Refrigerator
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Replaced the evap fan and it turned on just fine. When I was in diagnostic mode it wasn?t coming on at all.
We serviced a
Smausng Microwave
Near Brighton, NY 14610
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Will recommend door assembly #DE94-03184A customer denied vent cleaning
We serviced a
Whirlpool Microwave
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Replaced magnetron and high voltage diode - microwave now heats properly
We serviced a
kitchen aid dishwasher
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Replaced wash pump motor and checks ok
We serviced a
Ge Dishwasher
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Ge dishwasher did software update and now unit is working normal. Customer wanted garbage disposal check will need a new one she will call us to replace it soon .
We serviced a
LG dryer
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details: 03/15/2024
I replaced the one drum roller it had separated from the bushing and was flopping around. I replaced the dryer motor. The burnt out and out of spec when I tested the ohms were way off. Ran and tested it the u it is working good now!
We serviced a
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Needs a new touch pad part is on back order encompass saying June for possible eta. I removed the back plate and the control board. I removed the touch screen and replaced. Reassembled the unit and tested all the burners, and let the oven preheat to 350. All is working well no code.
We serviced a
Washer Whirlpool
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Washer is splashing water all over and the tub was crooked when it would go into cycle. The feet were leveled which helped with the basket but the basket supporter is also needed but it?s no longer available. A pressure switch is needed due to he water level not filling the way it should and the gear case is needed but to an issue with the break which is added to the water splashing and leaking. Part number for gear case and pressure switch will be in our notes but basket supporter is not available which over time will lead to further issues.
We serviced a
maytag refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Seal system will recommend getting compressor check .
We serviced a
samsung microwave
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Will recommend Door latch assembly # customer going to think about the repair.
We serviced a
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose D
Job Details: 03/15/2024
The washer has a bearing issue, and the inner drum is completely disconnected. Not economical to repair.
We serviced a
whirlpool dryer
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details: 03/15/2024
I replaced the belt and the pulley.
We serviced a
LG refrigerator
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details: 03/15/2024
If the valve doesn?t come in on Friday move call to Wednesday of next week. I replaced the water inlet valve and it?s working good no leaks coming from it.
We serviced a
Whirlpool dryer
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Installed a maintenance kit the dryer belt was about to let go. The roller wheels for the dryer were worn out bad and rattling.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Jose R
Job Details: 03/15/2024
Replaced shocks and calibrated the unit now unit is operating with in specs complete