We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14615
Job Details:
Replace drain kit wait 24 hours for proper cooling .
We serviced a
frigidaire oven
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
Customer had a F11 error. Ode which is a stuck key, I took the overlay off and cleaned with rubbing alcohol and was able to clean it to get the key not to stick and oven is working without error code. Customer is goi g or let us know if she wants the part ordered still and the num er will be in the notes.
We serviced a
LG washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Jose D
Job Details:
DE2 error code on site. Based on everything related to the error code, the door switch is the problem. The door switch will need to be replaced. Replaced the door switch, ran and tested. The washer now will lock and go into cycle.
customer will pay through the invoice.
We serviced a
kitchenaid dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Dishwasher needed a new drain pump so one was installed and is now running and draining without issues
Washer needs new bearings. It?s super loud and walks across the room when spinning.
We serviced a
Bosch Dishwasher
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Re installed unit unit is leveled and installed correctly.
We serviced a
MAYTAG washer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose D
Job Details:
No error codes on site. Customer states it had an f-24 error code. ( water temperature sensor error). Advised to call back if the f-24 error presents itself again to have it replaced.
We serviced a
whirlpool dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Jose D
Job Details:
High limit thermostat did not pass the continuity test. Needs a dryer thermal cut off fuse kit. Replaced with the thermal cut off fuse, ran and tested, the dryer now has heat.
We serviced a
Amana washer
Near Rochester, NY 14620
Job Details:
Complaint of noise and burning smell in spin. Wash basket rubbing on gasket. Basket not spinning on one plane spins in ellipsis. Bent drive shaft, not worth repairing.
We serviced a
GE Oven
Near Rochester, NY 14623
Jose R
Job Details:
Customer had a bad heating element and a burnt wire. went ahead and adjusted the wire harness made sure it was properly installed and replaced heating element unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Whirlpool Stove
Near Brockport, NY 14420
Job Details:
Main PCB relay blown and all will need to be replaced.
We serviced a
Electrolux Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Job Details:
Replace dryer belt customer don?t want to fix washer.
We serviced a
Samsung oven
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Job Details:
Installed new gas stove checked all and all is working good no leaks.
We serviced a
Samsung Stove
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details:
Replaced he burned up bake igniter. Installed a dryer kit on he dryer.
We serviced a
Samsung refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Job Details:
Replaced icemaker ran and tested all operated normally.
We serviced a
GE dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
2nd floor laundry that vents vertically into roof. Customer advised to work with HVAC or chimney sweep.
We serviced a
Whirlpool dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose R
Job Details:
Went ahead and replaced drain pump and drain line unit operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
GE refrigerator
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Customer stated freezer door was catching when being opened. When I got here it was working without any issues. I took drawers out and checked rails and wheels and everything looks right. Customer put items on freezer the way he usually has it and opened and closed multiple times and it?s working for myself and customer without issues.
Customer knows he has 90 days of the same problem returns.
We serviced a
Samsung Dryer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Customer did maintenance kit on his own and when he put it back together it wouldn?t run. I took dryer apart and saw the connector to the motor was not all the way in so I hooked that up and checked all other connections then put back together and it?s running without issues.
We serviced a
Samsung refrigerator
Near Hilton, NY 14468
Job Details:
Icemaker module bad and will need to be replaced.
10-20-23: Replaced icemaker ran and tested all and all is working good.
We serviced a
kitchen aid Dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details:
Needs wash pump, estimate approx 365 plus tax due
No repair at this time
We serviced a
frigidaire Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14613
Jose R
Job Details:
Everything was frozen over in the freezer section not allowing the air to flow into the fridge had to do a coil cleaning now unit should be operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Samsung Washer
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details:
Filter was clogged up badly. Cleaned it out and tested.
We serviced a
doesnt know Washer
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details:
Needs at least computer no repair at this time
We serviced a
Kitchenaid Oven
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Complaint of no bake or broil. Confirmed continuity through both elements. Confirmed continuity through both selector and thermostat. Not getting 240 VAC. L1 measures 113 VAC against neutral, L2 measures 6 VAC. Measured 5.22 VAC L1 against L2. Unit is not receiving L2. Customer advised they need electrician.
We serviced a
LG washer
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
Complaint of washer tripping breaker. Was able to cause GFai breaker to trip but it does not trip consistently. Ran unit though all functions and not one in particular causes breaker to trip. When receiving power unit works as designed, recommended hiring electrician to replace GFI and isolate laundry onto its own circuit.
We serviced a
Samsung refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details:
Ff drain frozen / plugged cleared duckbills but cover assy is NLA, unable to repair
We serviced a
GE Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Job Details:
Ran unit through service mode no errors e,xcept FZ icemaker nor.al error, drain clogged cleared and all is draining good.
We serviced a
Maytag Washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Removed debris from drain bellow and tests ok
We serviced a
Whirlpool Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14612
Jose D
Job Details:
Standing water on site, with a humming sound coming from the drain pump. The drain pump was jammed with a small pencil. Removed and cleaned the drain pump, ran and tested, the unit now drains and goes into cycle.
We serviced a
Samsung Dishwasher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Metal part of tub where inner seal goes is broken and coming off of inner tub. Customer is going to get a new appliance
We serviced a
Kitchen aid refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose R
Job Details:
Customers unit was not draining right causing the water to overflow in the freezer and drip into the fridge went ahead and cleaned out the coils and made sure the drain hole was cleaned out but unit now operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Samsung Washer
Near Rochester, NY 14615
Jose R
Job Details:
Customer has a bad inner and outer drum not allowing the unit to go into a spin mode inform customer the repair will cost more to fix then to buy a new one . Informed them to try to get in contact with Samsung to see if they can grant any type of extension
We serviced a
Kenmore Dryer
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
Dryer would turn on but not spin, took apart and belt was broken. A new maintenance kit was installed and dryer was vacuumed out and working without issues.
Also did a short dryer vent cleaning.
We serviced a
Amana Range
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Jose D
Job Details:
Low heat when using the bake feature. Baking heating element is not turning on, also failed the continuity test. The oven will need a new bake element. Replaced the back element, ran and tested, the oven now works when using the bake option.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
Fridge needs a seal system check no frost pattern
Stove replace igniter #
We serviced a
Ge Oven
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details:
The gas line for the dryer and the bottom drawer of the pedestal were rattling when I put the dryer in spin cycle. I moved the gas line away from the washer. I adjusted the feet on the pedestal. On the oven the bottom burner the flame was popping off the gas tube making a loud woooshing noise when it was running. I adjusted the air mixture so that the flame was nice and even and blue. I ran to 350 and watched the unit cycle off and on a few times to make sure it was working properly. The upper oven seems to be working perfectly when I tested it.
We serviced a
Frigidaire oven
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
When oven is turned on it gets up temp and will bake and the. The timer turns itself on and goes for 60 seconds then the oven shuts off. There seems to be a key getting stuck so a control panel will be needed. Customer is going to call us back and let us know if she wants it done. Part number is in notes and estimate has been emailed to customer
We serviced a
samsung Dryer vent
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Job Details:
Fixed venting to back of dryer then did a vent cleaning.
Talked to customer about how much wash she does and she only does 3 loads a week and her venting is only like 4? long. Let customer know she can do a vent cleaning every 2-3 years.
We serviced a
samsung washer
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
I finally got it to not work needs a water inlet valve. I changed the valve out and tested it?s working.
We serviced a
Whirlpool dishwasher
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Water is leaking from the heating element nuts. New heater and nuts are being ordered.
10/19 installed new heater and nuts and dishwasher is not leaking and running without issues.
We serviced a
lg washer
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
The agitator needs a new bolt it?s missing the lock washer and it keeps falling out. The wash plate is very jerky. It needs a new clutch and shift motor. These parts aren?t engaging the wash drive and both are very noisy
We serviced a
LG dishwasher
Near Brighton, NY 14610
Jose R
Job Details:
Customer unit was spitting a leak error code when diagnosing unit did a soft reset and cleaned out the leak sensor could not see any leaks while monitoring it for 30 min inform customer to have it run a full cycle and educate us on how it goes
We serviced a
ge Refrgierator
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details:
Fridge needs a new board due to burned diode and an evap fan motor.
Customer is going get a new appliance.
We serviced a
ge dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14604
Job Details:
Ran dishwasher through service mode had float error checked float and found a screw under float causing water not to drain fully or fill properly, removed screw ran and tested all is working and draining good.
We serviced a
Kenmore Washing Machine
Near Rochester, NY 14617
Jose D
Job Details:
Washer agitator dogs were stripped, therefore they were not locking into place. I replaced the washer agitator dogs, ran and tested, the agitator is now working properly.
Customer will like his invoice receipt mailed to the address on file.
We serviced a
GE Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14607
Jose R
Job Details:
Customer vent was clogged not allowing the unit to properly vent which was causing the frame of the unit to over heat went ahead and cleaned out dryer and vent now unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
LG Dryer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Found breaker half tripped , reset breaker and unit is operating properly. Unable to locate any issues with dryer. Breaker did get warm after running 10 minutes or so. May be weak breaker issue
We serviced a
samsung Dryer vent
Near Walworth, NY 14568
Job Details:
Cleaned vent from exterior vent fixture
We serviced a
Kitchaid Dishwasher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Jose R
Job Details:
Customers unit had no power going to the board customer has to get in contact with a handy man to get the floor board taken off can?t have access to power cord because of floor board Once that?s taken off we can do a deeper diagnostic
We serviced a
MAYTAG washer
Near Henrietta, NY 14467
Jose D
Job Details:
Washing machine has no power on site, but the outlet is good. 120v going into the main bourd, but I'm seeing signs of discoloration, and no LEDs flashing on the main board, which usually indicates that power is goin into the main bourd. Customer will call back if they want to go through with the repair.
We serviced a
maytag Refrgierator
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Job Details:
Replaced icemaker and water valve wait 24 hours to 40 hours for icemaker to make ice.
We serviced a
GE dishwasher
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details:
The unti needs a new board the led statue light is blank and not flashing.
We serviced a
LG Dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14617
Job Details:
Tested unit multiple times didn?t see no leaks
We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Ontario, NY 14519
Job Details:
Unit cooling apon arrival and started making ice again, no error codes in service mode. Compressor is hot to touch, may be start to compressor failure.
We serviced a
bosch dishwasher
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
Installed new water inlet valve and unit checks ok.
Left old part with customer
We serviced a
Samsung Refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details:
If customer calls back will recommend door #DA82-02848A he is going to try to call Samsung to get involved
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14624
Jose D
Job Details:
The thermal fuse did not pass the continuity test. Dryer needs a new thermal fuse. I replaced the thermal fuse, ran and tested, the dryer now turns on and works properly.
We serviced a
Samsung refrigerator
Near Rochester, NY 14611
Job Details:
Customer complained the fridge is partial cold freezer is working fine noticed that when you close the door in the fridge side the light stays on after a while the light shuts off I check for error codes I got a fridge fan error more likely the fan is bad or ice build up . Will recommend top cover and fridge Evap cover
We serviced a
Bosch Dishwasher
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
Installed new customer supplied control board, re assembled unit as well as possible as unit as partially taken apart prior to arrival.
Unit now works with control , hinges and inner door panel warped / bent from previous issue but unit appears to be operational
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Job Details:
Tested motor it?s good replace heating element and still triggering breaker would advice getting electrician to check breaker.
We serviced a
GE washer
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
Drain pump assy is nla.
We serviced a
Jenn air Stove
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Upper bake element doesn?t work, checked continuity and element is still good so checked voltage and it?s not receiving correct voltage from board so the relay is bad and a new board is being ordered.
10/19 board ordered was not the right one and the relay board is NLA. customer needs a refund for part of deposit minus trip fee.
We serviced a
samsung washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Jose R
Job Details:
Customer unit was leaking from the drain line had a stainless lint trap on the end of the hose went ahead and removed that now unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Jenn-Air oven
Near Palmyra, NY 14522
Job Details:
The main relay board is no longer available
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dishwasher
Near North Chili, NY 14514
Job Details:
Dishwasher fills with water but the. Doesn?t wash but will also drain. Put in service mode and it?s getting a 4-3 error code which mean the motor isn?t working. A new sump motor assembly is needed.
Customer is going to get a new appliance.
We serviced a
Whirlpool washer
Near Spencerport, NY 14559
Job Details:
Agitator dogs bad replaced tested all is working good.
We serviced a
samsung Dryer vent
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Cleaned dryer vent from exterior vent fixture
We serviced a
GE Dryer
Near Rochester, NY 14618
Jose D
Job Details:
Claim # 1765855
The dryer has damaged to the slide bearings. The slide bearing will have to be replaced.
Model#: GTD42EASJ1WW
We serviced a
Whirlpool Wall oven
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Jose R
Job Details:
Replaced main board stood for 30 min unit is operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
Whirlpool washer
Near Rochester, NY 14610
Jose D
Job Details:
Lid switch was faulty. Replaced the lid switch. Ran and tested, the washer now goes into spin mode and drains.
We serviced a
Whirlpool washer
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details:
Lint screen / sock plugged and shooting water ou the side. Customer replaced screen and appears ok
We serviced a
Samsung dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14616
Jose R
Job Details:
Customer unit is spitting a oc error code which is indicating that they have a bad case break not allowed goodnight the unit to drain the water out the tub if customer wants to go along with any repair would need to replace case brake
We serviced a
GE dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14609
Jose R
Job Details:
Customers unit would not complete a cycle went ahead and applied the ge software update ran overall diagnostic everything passed inform customer to monitor the u it should be working with in specs complete
We serviced a
kenmore washer
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
2 pillow cases were stuck under the agitator, agitator was taken off and pillowcases were removed.
We serviced a
Whirlpool oven
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details:
Customers oven was not heating up when diagnosing unit viewed that the Igniter was bad went ahead and replaced igniter now unit operating with in specs complete
We serviced a
MAYTAG dishwasher
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Cleaned dryer vent from exterior vent fixture.
Ran dishwasher and unit started over suds, cleared suds and unable to get unit to leak any more - appears ok
We serviced a
GE Washer
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Appears unit needs timer , but part is NLA unable to repair
We serviced a
GE dishwasher
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
Dishwasher would not start and only beep, tried to hook up to smart HQ and it said there was a communication error with main board and it would not let me do an update or run any test on it. Customer is going to get a new appliance
We serviced a
LG refrigerator
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
Needs condenser fan motor. Replaced and tested it?s working.
We serviced a
Kitchen aid dishwasher
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Jose R
Job Details:
Ciustomer float switch was not in tact and melted when hitting the heater bar also acknowledged that the silver rack has a hole it it and could be the reason why the float switch came out of place customer would need doth silver ware basket and float switch
We serviced a
Frigidaire Refrigerator
Near West Henrietta, NY 14586
Job Details:
Customer lost power for a cpl hours around 4am then when fridge kicked back on it stopped cooling completely. I ran it in service mode and the damper seems to not be opening also tested heater who can went into defrost and the temp sensory which has continuity so a board and damper are needed. Customer is going to decide if they want to fix this or get a new one due to it being 10 years old. Parts will be in notes if they call back for a fix
We serviced a
kenmore washer
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Jose D
Job Details:
After removing the agitator, there was noticable black residue within it. Cleaned the residue along with any nearby surrounding parts. More then likely it's oil. advised the customer to call back of it happens again.
We serviced a
Frigidaire dishwasher
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Needs ui/console approx 360 plus tax and shipping would be due on return. No repair at this time
We serviced a
lg dishwasher
Near Henrietta, NY 14467
Job Details:
Ran unit multiple times didn?t see no leak even stood for 30 minutes having unit running still no leaks not sure what would have caused this leak.
We serviced a
Whirlpool Dryer
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
Dryer if was making noise when spinning. Took apart and wheels were not moving due to lint and hair. Dryer was vacuumed out and new wheels, idler and belt were installed.
Also fixed venting and added, tape, clamp and semi rigid vent.
Washer had a F7E7 error code which means motor is not hitting required RPM to spin fully. Customer is going to use till it dies then get a new one
We serviced a
samsung washer
Near Rochester, NY 14606
Jose R
Job Details:
Customer complaint was that the unit did not want to go into a spin mode when putting unit in a overlay diagnostic test everything passed no error codes also stood for a quick was and unit worked fine as well informed customer to monitor unit but everything is working with in specs complete
We serviced a
maytag Refrgierator
Near Webster, NY 14580
Job Details:
Replaced defrost control/ main pcb, defrosted evaporator and verified defrost, checks ok
We serviced a
Whirlpool washer
Near Canandaigua, NY 14424
Job Details:
I replaced the main clutch mechanism and the drive pulley. It was sticking and the teeth on the pulley were stripped out . The main clicking noise she was hearing was the shifter for the clutch was stuck and the arm wasn?t moving to change it from spin to agitate. I ran and tested after the repairs the washer is workin fine now.
We serviced a
maytag washer
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Jose D
Job Details:
Only the agitator was spinning on site. The washing machine hub was stripped. The washer needs a new hub. Replaced the hub, ran and tested. The washer now spins and works as it should. Washer also passed the diagnostic test.
We serviced a
Whirlpool refrigerator
Near Honeoye Falls, NY 14472
Job Details:
I checked the door seal and it looks fine. I tested the evap fan and it?s working good. I ran a force defrost and it was working as well. The bottom freezer door didn?t open well. I noticed the bottom rack wasn?t put in properly and was stopping the door from closing properly. I told the customer to keep an eye on it if it?s frosting up again then there might be something else going on.
We serviced a
whirloool refrigerator
Near Penfield, NY 14526
Job Details:
Put unit into force defrost and only getting 99v to heater checked all other components and all are checking good, ran 120 volts to heater and all is heating good, main defrost relay on board is bad and under warranty.
10-18-23: Replaced main PCB under warranty due to bad relay on board ran and tested all is working and defrosting good.
We serviced a
GE Refrigerator
Near Brockport, NY 14420
Job Details:
Software needing updated and r/s ff door light switch will need to be replaced.
10-18-23: changed r/sFF door switch tested all and all is working and running good.
We serviced a
lg dishwasher
Near Rochester, NY 14625
Job Details:
Ran unit a couple times didn?t see no leaks even stood for 30 watch a cycle .
We serviced a
Frigidaire Range
Near Rochester, NY 14626
Job Details:
All glass intake and nothing out of place can not suggest a repair at this time, clean glass and see if problem returns.
We serviced a
Kitchen aid dishwasher
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Ui board isn?t working and half the buttons don?t work so it won?t go into service mode. It?s 27 years old. Customer is going to get new appliance.
We serviced a
whirlpool washer
Near Macedon, NY 14502
Job Details:
It?s possible the unti is going to need a new hall sensor. It?s working now and seems to be fine. But originally when I got here it would do anything
We serviced a
Frigidaire Freezer
Near Victor, NY 14564
Job Details:
Removed the drain hose and took my shop vac and cleared out the blockage. I also cleaned he condenser coils and fan blades.
We serviced a
electrolux refrigerator
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Freezer has no defrost patter and a sealed system issue advice customer to contact Electrolux for sealed system repair.
We serviced a
GE oven
Near Pittsford, NY 14534
Job Details:
Replaced middle fan and sensor ran and tested all and all is working and heating good.
We serviced a
Kitchen aid dishwasher
Near Fairport, NY 14450
Job Details:
I replaced the diverter and seal it was leaking underneath. I also replaced your door seal. There was quite a bit of calcium build up.